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Effect of Dry Ice Cleaning on Hydrophobicity of Silicone Rubber for Composite Insulators
(Electric Power Research Institute of Guizhou Power Grid Co.,Ltd.)
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投稿时间:2018-10-25    修订日期:2019-02-15
中文摘要: 相较于传统的清洗方式,干冰清洗作为一种新型的、绿色的清洗技术用于绝缘子表面的污秽清洗,能够有效的去除绝缘子表面污秽。干冰清洗工艺参数作为干冰清洗的核心技术部分是影响绝缘子清洗效果的关键因素,为了研究干冰清洗对复合绝缘子表面憎水性的影响,本试验选用高温硫化硅橡胶作为试样模拟复合绝缘子,对硅橡胶进行不同污秽程度的人工涂污,在不同参数下进行干冰清洗实验,详细研究了空气压力、清洗角度、干冰质量流量对复合绝缘子用硅橡胶表面憎水性的影响。结果表明,不同的空气压力和质量流量的干冰具有不同的动能,随着空气压力和质量流量的增大,硅橡胶表面污秽清洗效果变好,憎水性提高;但当干冰动能达到一定程度时,硅橡胶表面清洗效果达到阈值。不同的清洗角度影响干冰颗粒的垂直打击分量从而影响干冰的清洗效果。在合理的空气压力、清洗角度和质量流量下,干冰清洗能够有效的去除硅橡胶表面污秽,提高硅橡胶表面的憎水性,同时保证不对硅橡胶造成损伤。
Abstract:Compared with routine methods, dry ice cleaning as a new type of green cleaning technology is used for the contamination cleaning of insulator surfaces. Dry ice cleaning process parameters as the core technology of dry ice cleaning are the key factors affecting the cleaning effect of insulators. In order to study the effect of dry ice cleaning on the surface water repellency of composite insulators, high-temperature vulcanized silicone rubbers were used as samples to simulate composite insulators, and the silicone rubbers were artificially smeared with different levels of contamination. The dry ice cleaning experiments were carried out under different parameters. The effects of air pressure, cleaning angle and mass flow rate on the hydrophobic properties of the silicone rubbers for composite insulators were studied in detail. As the air pressure and mass flow rate increase, the cleaning effect of the surface of the silicone rubber is improved, and the water repellency is improved; However, when the dry ice kinetic energy reaches a certain level, the surface cleaning effect of the silicone rubber reaches a threshold. Different cleaning angles affect the vertical impact component of dry ice particles and thus affect the cleaning effect of dry ice. Under reasonable air pressure, cleaning angle and mass flow rate, dry ice cleaning can effectively remove the surface contamination of silicone rubber, improve the water repellency of the silicone rubber surface, and ensure that the silicone rubber is not damaged.
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