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Evaluation method of intelligent distribution station operation state based on data mining
Long Qiufeng,Xiao Xiaobing,Wen Yi,Lin Chenghui,Wang Mian,Liu Bin and Xin Mingyong
(Electric Power Research Institute of GuizhouPower Supply Co.,Ltd.,550001;Guizhou Province,China,Electric Power Research Institute of GuizhouPower Supply Co.,Ltd.,550001;Guizhou Province,China,Electric Power Research Institute of GuizhouPower Supply Co.,Ltd.,550001;Guizhou Province,China,Electric Power Research Institute of GuizhouPower Supply Co.,Ltd.,550001;Guizhou Province,China,Electric Power Research Institute of GuizhouPower Supply Co.,Ltd.,550001;Guizhou Province,China,Electric Power Research Institute of GuizhouPower Supply Co.,Ltd.,550001;Guizhou Province,China,Electric Power Research Institute of GuizhouPower Supply Co.,Ltd.,550001;Guizhou Province,China)
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投稿时间:2018-09-20    修订日期:2018-09-20
中文摘要: 为解决智能配电站房的在线监测与预警评估问题,提出了一种基于数据挖掘的智能配电站房运行状态评估方法。首先建立配电站房多源数据信息阵列,对当前时刻之前一段时间内配电站房内部的温度信息、湿度信息、水侵信息、烟雾信息、开关遥测信息、开关遥控信息进行描述;其次通过配电站房多源数据评估阵对智能配电站房多源数据信息阵进行了量化评估;然后对配电站房多源数据评估阵进行每列量化综合以生成配电站房多源数据单项评估阵;最后基于加权平均方法对配电站房多源数据单项评估阵进行综合,生成智能配电站房运行状态评估指标。实例分析验证了本文所提方法的可行性,可满足现场工程实际需求。
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of on-line monitoring and early warning evaluation of intelligent distribution station, an evaluation method of intelligent distribution station operation state based on data mining is proposed. Firstly, a distribution station multi source information matrix is established to describe the temperature information, humidity information, water intrusion information, smoke information, switching remote sensing information and switching remote control information within the distribution station room in the period before the current time; secondly, the distribution station multi source evaluation matrix is used to describe the multi-source number of the intelligent distribution station room. According to the information matrix, the multi-source data evaluation matrix is evaluated quantitatively; then each column is synthesized quantitatively to generate the distribution station multi-source single evaluation matrix; finally, the distribution station multi-source single evaluation matrix is synthesized based on the weighted average method to generate the distribution station operation condition evaluation index. The feasibility of the proposed method is verified by the example analysis, which can meet the actual needs of the field project.
文章编号:     中图分类号:TM734;TM771    文献标志码: