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Real-time topology tracing for active power distribution network with distributed energy
ZHAO Yuehui,GU Quan and CHEN Genjun
(NR Electric Co,Ltd,NR Electric Co,Ltd,NR Electric Co,Ltd)
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投稿时间:2018-05-13    修订日期:2018-05-23
中文摘要: 随着各种分布式能源接入配电网,配电网的潮流分布随分布式能源的运行方式转换而变化,传统仅考虑配电网拓扑结构的拓扑追踪方法不再适用,需要考虑配电网潮流方向变化对拓扑追踪的影响。本文根据配电网中主要电力设备及其连接关系建立了拓扑模型,基于配电网状态估计结果获取配电网的潮流分布,结合拓扑模型以及潮流分布给出计算各开关潮流的方法,在此基础上建立了基于潮流方向的连接节点/支路模型,并将该模型应用于拓扑追踪。文中列举了了多个拓扑追踪的应用场景,分别描述了各应用场景下的拓扑追踪实施方法。通过实例分析可知,文中的拓扑追踪方法充分考虑了多种分布式能源在不同运行方式下对配电网的影响,计算方法快速、结果准确,能够为运行人员提供调度决策支持。
Abstract:With a variety of distributed energy resources access to the distribution network, the power flow in distribution network varies with different operation modes. Traditional network topology tracing method which only considers the topology structure of distribution network is no longer applicable, the influence of power flow direction change on topology tracing needs to be considered. In this paper, a topology model is established according to the main power equipment and their connection in distribution network. The power flow of distribution network can be obtained based on state estimation results. Combined with topology model and power flow in distribution network, a computation method for breakers power flow is presented. The connectivity node / branch model based on power flow direction is established, and the model is applied to topology tracing. The application scenarios of multiple topology tracing are enumerated, and the implementation methods of topology tracking are described respectively in each application scenario. In this paper, the example analysis shows that the topology tracing method fully considers the influence of a variety of distributed energy resources on the distribution network under different operating modes. The calculation method is fast and the result is accurate, and it can provides dispatch decision support for the operator.
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