吴勇军, 刘伟, 李洪兵, 蒙永苹, 陈宏胜, 张明媚, 欧睿
Penetration Control for Secure Operation of Power Grids Based on Block Chain Idea
WU Yongjun, LIU Wei,, LI Hongbing, MENG Yongbing, CHEN Hongsheng, ZHANG Mingmei, OU Rui
(State Grid ChongQing Electric Power Company)
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投稿时间:2019-07-15    修订日期:2019-08-13
中文摘要: 为有效应对电网停电风险管控,解决电网安全运行管理面临的层级问题和专业壁垒问题,提升精益化管理水平,迫切需要建立电网安全运行关键指标穿透式管控体系。本文采用区块链去中心化思想,分布式存储电网运行数据,应用大数据挖掘,构建多层级、多专业协同评价的穿透式管控机制,把相对独立的管理主体紧密链接在一起,协同开展本质安全分析管控,发现电网薄弱环节和管理漏洞,提升电网运行安全管控水平。文章使用FPGrowth和KNN算法建立模型对停电事件进行大数据挖掘和分析,不但提高了存储和检索效率,也增强了停电分类的准确性,保证停电事件责任主体的准确判定。目前,该方案已在重庆电网正式运行,在电网停电风险管控上取得较好成效,可供相关电网企业参考借鉴。
Abstract:In order to effectively deal with the risk management of power grids, solve the level problems and barrier of different majors and improve the lean management, it is an urgent to build up the management system of penetration control. Based on the decentralization idea, distributed storage the operation data of power grids, and big data mining, this paper builds up a penetration control mechanism for the coordination evaluation of multi-levels and multi-specialities coordination. The independent management hosts are connected tightly to strengthen the management by carrying out the collaborative security analysis, finding the weak parts and management faults. The FPGrowth and KNN algorithms not only improves storage and retrieval efficiency but also increases classification accuracy. This paper uses them for mining and analyzing blackouts to ensure the judgement accuracy of responsibility subjects. At present, the scheme has been used in Chongqing power grid and played an important role in risk management. It is of referential value for relevant power grid enterprise.
文章编号:20190715001     中图分类号:    文献标志码: