张 裕,章 珂,王丰元
Study on Benchmarking theory Line Loss Rate of 10kV Line in Guizhou Power Grid
ZHANG Yu,ZHANG Ke and WANG Fengyuan
(Power Grid Planning and Research Center of Guizhou Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guizhou Power Grid Co.,Ltd., Guiyang,Power Grid Planning and Research Center of Guizhou Power Grid Co.,Ltd.)
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投稿时间:2018-01-05    修订日期:2018-01-09
中文摘要: 在分析导线和配变损耗特性以及10kV线路理论线损率影响因素的基础上,结合贵州电网10kV线路网架结构特点,从线损率大小角度,提出了贵州电网10kV线路分类方法和标准,将贵州电网所有10kV线路划分为18种类型,并选取特征参数值对每种类型10kV线路建立了理论线损率计算模型。利用等值电阻法,计算得到贵州电网18种类型的10kV线路理论线损率标杆值。该标杆值为贵州电网所有10kV线路制定线损管理目标和电网规划设计与建设改造线损控制目标提供理论依据和参考值。
中文关键词: 10kV线路  线损率  计算模型  标杆值
Abstract:In this paper, the influence factors of wire and distribution transformer loss characteristics and 10kV line theory line loss rate are analyzed. Based on the structure characteristics of 10kV line of Guizhou Power Grid, the classification method and standard of Guizhou Power Grid 10kV line are put forward from the perspective of the size of the line loss rate. All 10kV lines of Guizhou Power Grid are divided into 18 types, and the theoretical line loss rate calculation model is established for each type of 10kV line by selecting the characteristic parameter value. Using the equivalent resistance method, the theoretical line loss rate benchmarking value of 18 types 10kV line of Guizhou Power Grid is calculated. For all 10kV line of Guizhou Power Grid to develop line loss management objectives and line loss control objectives of power grid planning, design, construction and transformation, the benchmarking value provides the theoretical basis and reference value.
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